#2 Racing with the Moon (1984)

“Well, forgot to post this one last week, but here’s a podcast about possibly the most boring movie Nick Cage stars in!” – ‘The Nicolas Cage’ podcasters. Movie number two in this challenge is ‘Racing with the Moon’ featuring Nicolas Cage. Come, letโ€™s go on this journey together. Bookmark this site, Like the official ‘Nick Cage Challenge’ Facebook page, and subscribe to ‘The Nicolas Cage’ podcast feed https://feed.podbean.com/TheNicolasCage/feed.xml on PodBean via iOS or Andriod as we descend into madness together. ๐Ÿ˜€

“She’s a Gatsby girl. If you ask me, you’re barking up the wrong pair of gams. ” – Nicky

No free watch options found at the time of the writing, but if you know of any, please post in the comments below and ‘Cage Against the Machine’ with us. Thanks!

Have you seen this movie? What were your first impressions? Tell us below.

#nickcagechallenge #racingwiththemoon #nicholascage

Racing with the Moon (1984) Comedy, Drama, Romance | 108min | 23 March 1984 (USA) 6.7
Director: Richard BenjaminWriter: Steve KlovesStars: Sean Penn, Elizabeth McGovern, Nicolas CageSummary: Henry and Nicky are small town pals from blue collar families with only a short time before they ship off to World War II. Henry begins romancing new-to-town Caddie Winger, believing her to be wealthy. Mischievious and irresponsible, Nicky gets into trouble which forces the other two to become involved, testing their relationship, as well as the friendship between the boys. Written by David Fowler


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