Vampire’s Kiss (1988)
For this challenge, we started with the movie ‘Vampire’s Kiss’. I was told this movie is MAXIMUM Nick Cage & to prepare myself. I was not prepared. Nick Cage does a very odd accent in this film and basically sounds like he’s talking with something in his mouth the whole movie. Try as I might I couldn’t place the accent & I’m willing to bet that’s because it’s entirely made up. His character’s behavior and the storyline, in general, is all over the place. I spent 45 minutes just trying to follow the movie & figure out what the heck was happening with the storyline. Despite this though, I just couldn’t stop watching the movie. It was like a train wreck that I just couldn’t look away from. There are some funny parts though and some classic Nick Cage moments where the character basically has complete meltdowns. Yes, multiple. I don’t how this made it past the cutting room floor, but I hope to one day to see it dissected on Mystery Science Theatre.
“Who? Who? What do you mean, who? How could somebody MIS-file something? What could be easier? It’s all alphabetical. You just PUT it IN the RIGHT FILE! According to ALPHABETICAL ORDER! You know – A, B, C, D, E, F, G!” – Peter Loew
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